Dr. Susan Doering
Executive Training and Coaching
Certified as a coach since 2006, I coach clients at turning points to find the best way forward. If you are looking to take the next step in your career or personal life, I can help you find clarity, motivation and confidence. I also teach techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life and work.
Smart Career Moves
for Smart Women
Written for the businesswoman and professional, this book offers insights and guidance on making the right decisions about career paths and shows ways to strategically prepare for a career transition, be it a promotion, change of sector, setting up one’s own business or even changing careers altogether.
25% Discount Available
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Hb: 978-1-032-40441-7 | £90.00
Pb: 978-1-032-40435-6 | £22.49
eBook: 978-1-003-35372-0 | £22.49

SmartWoman™ Programme 2023
Join the next cohort | booking now open
Ready to accelerate towards your career goals in 2023?
Next SmartWoman™ Programme starts in April 2023.
Package includes 2x 90 minute group sessions and 3x 50 minute individual coaching sessions.
The SmartWoman™ Programme is a dedicated programme of group and individual coaching sessions, to develop your skills and resources in a professional context, and increase your self-confidence and performance in every workplace situation
Creating value through
empowerment and self-confidence
I offer coaching and training that will empower you or your people, build confidence and help overcome personal challenges to enable you to achieve your personal and professional goals. Together, we will be able to unlock your full potential.
Get in touch to start your journey today.
All coaching is strictly confidential. I am bound by the Code of Ethics of the International Coach Federation.
All information shared is kept in strictest confidence.

Executive Coaching
A sense of 'this is what I want to do and I can do it now' is liberating and empowering – and coaching takes you there.
I support you to find your path to personal satisfaction and achievement. The dialogue between us creates a structure which generates clarity and insight where you can tap into your inner resources to find solutions and answers to your questions.
Coaching is especially helpful when you are at a crossroads, when a new challenge has arisen, a decision has to be taken or a conflict must be resolved. Life is made up of our professional and our personal self, and in coaching we look at integrating both.
Stress and work-life balance issues can be more easily resolved with coaching support.

Organisational Training
Training starts with the culture you want to achieve in your organisation.
We are going through one of the most life-changing periods in memory, and your organisation must measure up to your commitment to your clients. This means training your teams to be resilient in an uncertain environment.
Training with me addresses the most pressing issues:
Diversity and Inclusion – create an essential foundation to business success
Team Building – help your people become a cohesive, productive team
Talent Development – develop and retain your best people

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau